NEIL FUENTES, President/Co-Founder
Neil Fuentes is best known to New Haven area audiences as the Sensational Singing Chef of WTNH-TV fame, and he brings a colorful array of talents and training to the Broadway on Main Board of Directors. After graduating from a prestigious Performing Arts Academy in his native Venezuela, he emigrated and settled in the US, where he worked his way up the hospitality and culinary ladders to become a champion of the Food Network’s Rewrapped Competition. As a chef with a flair and talent for singing and dancing, he forged a career as an international television personality, cooking and performing regularly for Telemundo. In 2012, he and husband Billy DiCrosta founded the multi-award-winning New Haven Academy of Performing Arts, where Neil remains the Co-Director and a vocal and acting coach. Fuentes is also a theater director and vocal coach for Vista Life Innovations, a non-profit organization that serves the greater Connecticut Special Needs Community.
Neil Fuentes is best known to New Haven area audiences as the Sensational Singing Chef of WTNH-TV fame, and he brings a colorful array of talents and training to the Broadway on Main Board of Directors. After graduating from a prestigious Performing Arts Academy in his native Venezuela, he emigrated and settled in the US, where he worked his way up the hospitality and culinary ladders to become a champion of the Food Network’s Rewrapped Competition. As a chef with a flair and talent for singing and dancing, he forged a career as an international television personality, cooking and performing regularly for Telemundo. In 2012, he and husband Billy DiCrosta founded the multi-award-winning New Haven Academy of Performing Arts, where Neil remains the Co-Director and a vocal and acting coach. Fuentes is also a theater director and vocal coach for Vista Life Innovations, a non-profit organization that serves the greater Connecticut Special Needs Community.

BILLY DICROSTA, Vice-President/Co-Founder
Veteran actor, singer, teacher Billy DiCrosta brings both business savvy and artistic flair to Veteran actor, singer, teacher Billy DiCrosta brings both business savvy and artistic flair to the Broadway on Main Board of Directors. After studying Vocal Performance/Theater at Western Connecticut State University and then Musical Theater at the Hartt School of Music – University of Hartford, DiCrosta toured the world as a headliner for Celebrity Cruises before returning to East Haven to establish himself as a teacher. He earned accreditation from the International Voice Teachers of Mix (IVTOM)organization and became a member of the National Association of Teachers of Singing. Like his husband Neil Fuentes, DiCrosta worked in the hospitality industry, where he acquired entrepreneurial skills that enabled him to establish the very successful Billy DiCrosta Vocal Studios. As the vocal studios grew, it became clear to DiCrosta and his husband that the New Haven community was in need of a comprehensive Performing Arts Academy. In 2012, they co-founded the award-winning New Haven Academy of Performing Arts, which provides instruction in acting, singing, dance, and individual musical instruments. The Academy employs a staff of seven teachers, including two who are bi-lingual.
Veteran actor, singer, teacher Billy DiCrosta brings both business savvy and artistic flair to Veteran actor, singer, teacher Billy DiCrosta brings both business savvy and artistic flair to the Broadway on Main Board of Directors. After studying Vocal Performance/Theater at Western Connecticut State University and then Musical Theater at the Hartt School of Music – University of Hartford, DiCrosta toured the world as a headliner for Celebrity Cruises before returning to East Haven to establish himself as a teacher. He earned accreditation from the International Voice Teachers of Mix (IVTOM)organization and became a member of the National Association of Teachers of Singing. Like his husband Neil Fuentes, DiCrosta worked in the hospitality industry, where he acquired entrepreneurial skills that enabled him to establish the very successful Billy DiCrosta Vocal Studios. As the vocal studios grew, it became clear to DiCrosta and his husband that the New Haven community was in need of a comprehensive Performing Arts Academy. In 2012, they co-founded the award-winning New Haven Academy of Performing Arts, which provides instruction in acting, singing, dance, and individual musical instruments. The Academy employs a staff of seven teachers, including two who are bi-lingual.

Charles Strickland is a director in the Valuation and Litigation Support Services group. Mr. Strickland has been deemed an expert in forensic accounting and the location of unreported income and assets. He has performed valuations of business interests for a variety of purposes including, but not limited to, family law matters, business damages, buy-sell agreements, shareholder litigation, estate and gift tax matters, buying and selling businesses, and breach of contract. He also has experience in matters involving economic damages, including the determination of damages related to contracts, torts, post-acquisitions disputes, and shareholder disputes. Mr. Strickland has been qualified as an expert witness in the State Courts of Connecticut. He has also testified in New York State Supreme Court.
Charles Strickland is a director in the Valuation and Litigation Support Services group. Mr. Strickland has been deemed an expert in forensic accounting and the location of unreported income and assets. He has performed valuations of business interests for a variety of purposes including, but not limited to, family law matters, business damages, buy-sell agreements, shareholder litigation, estate and gift tax matters, buying and selling businesses, and breach of contract. He also has experience in matters involving economic damages, including the determination of damages related to contracts, torts, post-acquisitions disputes, and shareholder disputes. Mr. Strickland has been qualified as an expert witness in the State Courts of Connecticut. He has also testified in New York State Supreme Court.

A talented, veteran performer, Stephani Buoncore has been singing and dancing for her supper since she was ten years old, when she launched a career that enabled her to participate in theater productions at prestigious theaters such as the Shubert and to be part of programs such as Teen Opera of New England. A graduate of Southern New Hampshire University, with a degree in Psychology, Stephani is today a sought-after teacher, accredited by the IVTOM organization and the National Association of Teachers of Singing. She teaches a full complement of students, ranging in age from 5 to 65, at the New Haven Academy of Performing Arts and specializes in helping performers overcome performance anxiety.
A talented, veteran performer, Stephani Buoncore has been singing and dancing for her supper since she was ten years old, when she launched a career that enabled her to participate in theater productions at prestigious theaters such as the Shubert and to be part of programs such as Teen Opera of New England. A graduate of Southern New Hampshire University, with a degree in Psychology, Stephani is today a sought-after teacher, accredited by the IVTOM organization and the National Association of Teachers of Singing. She teaches a full complement of students, ranging in age from 5 to 65, at the New Haven Academy of Performing Arts and specializes in helping performers overcome performance anxiety.

Is currently serving her second term on the East Haven Town Council and spends the majority of her time in the community supporting local nonprofits. She is working toward becoming a Certified Municipal Officer through educational offerings from the Connecticut Conference of Municipalities. Samantha is on the Board of Directors for the East Haven Chamber of Commerce where she has facilitated networking and educational opportunities for local businesses as well as community outreach programs for local youth. She also sits on the Executive Board for the East Haven Fall Festival bringing a weekend-long community event to the residents of East Haven.
Samantha received her degree in Early Childhood Special Education with honors from Gateway Community College. She has spent the last few years shaping the minds of preschool children to support their learning journey.
Is currently serving her second term on the East Haven Town Council and spends the majority of her time in the community supporting local nonprofits. She is working toward becoming a Certified Municipal Officer through educational offerings from the Connecticut Conference of Municipalities. Samantha is on the Board of Directors for the East Haven Chamber of Commerce where she has facilitated networking and educational opportunities for local businesses as well as community outreach programs for local youth. She also sits on the Executive Board for the East Haven Fall Festival bringing a weekend-long community event to the residents of East Haven.
Samantha received her degree in Early Childhood Special Education with honors from Gateway Community College. She has spent the last few years shaping the minds of preschool children to support their learning journey.